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Complete orders without being on site

Boost customer satisfaction

with POLUMANA® retail app

In the POLUMANA® retail app, your customers will find all the information, prices and conditions they need to order alone. You can use this field service software to customize all content at the touch of a button. Use the freed-up time for other tasks.

Save yourself and your customers valuable time




The POLUMANA® retail app enables your customers to trigger orders independently. He can query inventory levels or create complaints. While saving time, you increase customer satisfaction.



The next step in the digitization of the sales force: The dealer always has the latest information available and is therefore always up to date. Customer appointments can be made shorter and the focus can be placed on more important topics.



As a retailer, you only pay for the retail app if the retailer actually uses it. If no orders come in via the app, nothing is charged.
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Seamless procurement with just one click: The POLUMANA® ordering function revolutionizes sales.

Ready to make buying easier for your customers?

Increase your sales, even without being with the customer: The POLUMANA® retail app gives your customers the freedom to browse, order and pay for products on their own - all with just a few clicks. With its user-friendly interface and customization options, you can create a personalized shopping experience that will delight your customers. Contact us today to schedule a personal demo appointment and experience how the retail app makes life easier for you and your customers!

Get to know POLUMANA® in 30 minutes